Our partnership with Sustainable Salons sees 95% of waste collected from our lil salon, recycled and transformed into a positive (and impressive) impact on our wider community and the environment.

Below are the results for the contribution we’ve made over the past 12 months:

💁🏼‍♀️ 11kg of hair was turned into Hair Booms to soak up oil spills in the ocean.

🧴 62kg of plastics were recycled and turned into outdoor furniture and even sunglasses.

📃 49kg of paper was sent to paper mills to make new, recycled paper products.

🖇️ 66kg of metals were recycled into aluminium foil products which can be recycled again and again.

✂️ The partnering salons donated a combined total of 240,387 ponytails to wigmakers and charitable organisations to make wigs or to fund life-changing programs.

🍽️ Through the proceeds of the recycled goods, the partnering salons donated a combined total of 276,340 meals to those in need as part of OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest.

🧪 Not to mention, all of our chemicals were collected and processed to become recycled, usable water for work in construction, manufacturing and the community.

Amazing, right?! It’s a massive achievement and an incredible amount of good that’s come from things that might otherwise be sent to landfill or tipped down the drain.

Thank you to Sustainable Salons for all the amazing work you do. We’re so proud to be working with you. And a massive thank you, thank you, thank you to our beautiful clients for doing your bit by choosing us. These results wouldn’t be possible without you—literally, it’s your hair that’s soaking up an oil spill in the ocean right now 🙏🏼

We can’t wait to see next year’s results!


Welcome, Joel!


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